Department for couple and family therapy

Security in close relationships

- Leading national professional environment

- Expertise in couple therapy & family therapy

- Experienced psychologists

We can help in all phases, situations and relationships.

At Psykologvirke, you can expect a range of services designed to support and improve your relationships and your mental health.

Individual therapy

Perhaps you are going through a breakup, or have lost a partner? We can support and help you through relational challenges even when it's just you.

Couples Therapy

It is often in our closest relationships that we encounter the most difficult situations. In couples therapy, you can work with better communication regardless of the situation.

Family therapy

Family therapy can include several family relationships. It could be, for example, a sibling relationship that is difficult, or an adult child-parent relationship that hurts.

We are here for you

By choosing one of our couples therapists, the relationship is in safe hands. We have national and international course instructors on staff, a lively and active professional environment, weekly guidance meetings and extensive experience. In couples therapy with us, we work together systematically to see and change the mechanisms that have gotten in your way. The pattern is usually the monster. By breaking this, we hope to be able to give you more closeness, laughter, harmony, intimacy and joy. Or at the very least a neat clarification.

Clarification advice

Some couples come to us because they don't know if they want to continue in the relationship. They struggle with a lot of doubt and have difficulty deciding whether they want to try to work towards a better relationship or whether they should rather end the relationship. These couples need an offer that takes their ambivalence seriously, and makes room for the parties in this process to have different needs for help. Clarification counseling aims to help couples make a good decision - whether it consists of a joint future or a breakup.

Cohabitation course

Hold Me Tight® is a cohabitation course based on Sue Johnson's self-help book "Hold me!". The course is suitable for anyone who wants to break out of bad circles in the relationship and strengthen security and trust. For those who are already in couples therapy, the course can also be a nice supplement that makes it easier to work on your own.


At our couple & family department, we work with relationships in all forms. Alongside couple therapy, we can also offer talks for other family problems such as new family problems, stuck relationships between parents and adult children, unfortunate family dynamics, help for families in the process of breaking up, inheritance conflict and most other things. We have expertise in breaking with destructive patterns that have been passed down through generations.

Our psychologists

At Psykologvirke, we have brought together some of Norway's leading couple therapists, who offer therapy, teaching and guidance

We also have a collaboration with Modum Bad and are involved in ongoing couple research. We have specialist expertise in, among other things, emotion-focused couple therapy, which is one of the couple therapy models with the most support in research. It is suitable for couples who want to break out of negative interactions and regain closeness and trust in their relationship.

Dimitrij Samoilow


Dimitrij offers individual and couples therapy during the day. He is the author of specialist books and a national and international expert on emotion-focused couple therapy. He is also a well-known specialist broadcaster and appears on NRK, among other things.

Stine Morris Haslund

PSYCHOLOGIST & Couples therapist

Stine offers therapy to couples, individuals and families. Stine has more than 20 years' experience as a psychologist and is a specialist in couple therapy. She is certified in emotion-focused couple therapy and is deputy director of the Norwegian Center for Emotion-Focused Therapy.

Regine N. Larsen

PSYCHOLOGIST & Couple therapist

Regine offers therapy to individuals, couples and families. Regine has many years of experience from family protection, further education in Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT) and special expertise in couple therapy. She has extensive experience of working with couples, including couples where there is great doubt about the future of the relationship.

Anniken Lervik Sørengen

PSYCHOLOGIST & Couple therapist

Anniken offers couples therapy during the day. She has many years of experience from family protection and child and youth psychiatry, Anniken has soon completed a five-year further education and will then become a psychologist specialist in family psychology.

Kristin Aspelund


Kristin offers individual therapy and cohabitation therapy. She has long-term specialization in couple and family therapy. She has further training in emotion-focused couple therapy and intensive depth therapy, ISTDP.

Julie Barrie

psychologist and couples therapist

Julie has extensive experience in helping people with couple problems, and has previously worked at a family welfare office, in specialist and municipal health services with couples, families and children. She is well acquainted with most issues such as infidelity/betrayal, intimacy/sexuality, jealousy, anger, loss of closeness, communication challenges etc.

Hanna Damskau

PSYCHOLOGIST & Family therapist

Hanna has extensive experience from systemic work with families and couples. She offers therapy and guidance to couples and families/parents. In addition, she offers individual therapy for young people.

Sindre Kvithyld Aasli


Sindre has many years of experience from the public and private health sector. He is a specialist in family psychology and a certified emotion-focused couples therapist. He offers couple therapy, individual therapy and family therapy. Sindre is an experienced course instructor and professional mediator, known for example from the NRK podcast Accident Investigation Board.

Teaching and guidance

Psykologvirke has specialist expertise in counseling within both emotion-focused couple therapy and general family psychology. We offer guidance to psychologists in specialization as well as therapists who take further training in emotion-focused couple therapy and clarification counselling. We offer guidance to public and private institutions that treat couples and families.

We offer cohabitation courses for couples as well as teaching/education in couple therapy and clarification counseling for professionals. We offer professional days and lectures with course leaders who teach nationally and internationally. In addition, we are connected to an international network of experts in emotion-focused couples therapy who we use as guest lecturers.

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