Jonas Sharma-Bakkevig

Jonas is a psychologist specialist and therapy supervisor at Psykologvirke. He has long and broad clinical experience and works with most clinical issues, where he uses methodology from ISTDP (intensive dynamic short-term therapy), psychodynamic therapy, exposure therapy and EMDR (trauma therapy).

Jonas also has extensive experience with teaching and guidance within the ISTDP treatment model, and is a teacher and board member at the Norwegian Institute for ISTDP. Jonas has also held specialized courses for patients with depression, panic disorder and sleep problems for over 10 years.

Jonas er forfatter av bokserien «Min vei ut av…», som er en rekke selvhjelpsbøker for pasienter og helsepersonell. Jonas holder jevnlig foredrag om terapi, endringsarbeid og arbeidslivshelse for sykehus, helsepersonell, og bedrifter. I tillegg er Jonas fagutvikler og styremedlem i Everymind, der han utvikler nettbaserte kurs og undervisning for privatpersoner og bedrifter.

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