Individual talk therapy

Experienced psychologists

All kinds of problems

Online booking

What can you expect?

You can expect us to be friendly, active, supportive, challenging and skilled. We offer therapy sessions for common life difficulties, or in-depth therapy for more complex difficulties.

Vi hjelper mange med begrenset utbytte fra tidligere terapi med vår unike spesialiseringsgrad. Vi har spesialister innen de fleste felt og kun erfarne psykologer i staben.​

What is it like to go to therapy?

In any case, we usually start by establishing a common understanding of what wishes/goals you have for the treatment. Next, we look at some specific situations where the difficulties are intensified. From there, we try to map the internal dynamics that underlie the difficulties - and the way out.

This kind of awareness and sorting means that you start to get a little more overview and understanding, which is helpful in itself. This mapping also gives us an outline of what is needed and how we can set up a therapy for you to get rid of the symptoms and achieve the positive goals you may have for your life.

Vi tilstreber å skreddersy en arbeidsmåte som gir mening og som oppleves hjelpsom. Våre faglige vurderinger vil danne et tydelig utgangspunkt og så evaluerer vi sammen behov for eventuelle justeringer.​

how to find a psychologist

Our psychologists

Welcome to therapy at Psykologvirke

We at Psykologvirke offer therapy with an experienced and recommended psychologist in the center of Oslo, male and female, with a short waiting time, day and evening. You can easily order psychological help from us in our online booking, without a referral.

We assist with everything from limited life difficulties such as various crises and dilemmas, to anxiety and depression, to more long-term difficulties related to self-esteem and relationships. We treat most mental disorders.

Vi bruker anbefalte metoder som ulike former for kognitiv terapi såvel som psykodynamisk terapi, med særlig spesialisering innen intensiv dybdeterapi, ISTDP​

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