Get professional help with couples therapy and cohabitation therapy at Psykolog in Oslo

Achieve improved communication and closeness, get help with stuck patterns, loneliness and/or arguments in the relationship, unsatisfactory sex life or in crises, for example in the wake of infidelity or thoughts of breaking up.

We know how important it is to choose the right couples therapist, there is a lot at stake. Our professional environment in couples therapy is among the very best in the country. All of our couples therapists are professionally up-to-date, regularly pursue professional development, have many years of experience and are exceptionally skilled.

It makes a difference to be part of a professional environment that is constantly working on professional development. Ordering couples therapy with us is therefore a safe choice.

We offer therapy for all types of couples. From those who have been, or have yet to become a couple, to marriage counseling for those in lifelong relationships. We offer couples therapy at the psychologists in Oslo or via a secure video solution throughout the country.

When should one go into couples therapy?  

Couples therapy can be effective for many couples. Here is an overview of some of the issues we offer cohabitation therapy for:

If you have already decided to give couples therapy / cohabitation therapy to a couples therapist a try, you can do it quickly and easily schedule an appointment via our online booking system here.

Here you can read about 9 signs that it might be a good idea to go to couples therapy.

It is common for at least one of the parties to be highly ambivalent about seeking cohabitation therapy. Whether couple therapy can help just you is strictly a only way to find out. 

Eventually Couples therapy has been proven to help many couples, it is rational to give it a try. Ambivalence to the process is something we can discuss openly in the first hour. You quickly get a sense of whether this can be something to move on with.

How does couples therapy work?

Clarify goals

In couples therapy, we start by clarifying goals and visions for the relationship. Secondly, to take a common position on the process.

2. Mapping of dynamics  

Furthermore, a mapping of the dynamics that gets in the way of the good contact comes before we work out some strategies to change the locked patterns.

3. Break the automation

The next step is to break down the automatics we typically see where couples end up in self-reinforcing circles. Starting to recognize and break this automaticity often gives an immediate boost.

4. Deeper understanding

After a while, as we manage to change the worn out record that has been playing, there often comes a phase where you can gain a deeper understanding of each other.

5. Marriage counseling

Couples therapy at its best makes it possible to not only find each other again but maybe even find each other again. This is why marriage counseling can be so valuable.

What do you get out of couples therapy?

For some, it does not take much to find a new course. Some couples just need a little advice from a couples therapist. For others, more fundamental changes are required. The bigger the upside can be - finding back to each other has an infinite value.

How much you will get out of cohabitation therapy depends a lot on the collaboration we are able to establish. You will quickly find out if there is something for you.

Typical cohabitation problems

There are so many normal psychological traps for couples to fall into. Life is sometimes difficult, and so is the relationship.

Many people who seek couples therapy do so a little late, after the problems have developed into fairly cemented patterns. You can often end up blaming a lot of what is difficult on your partner. Or one gets stuck in patterns to relate to each other that act mutually reinforcing, in negative spirals.

A crisis in the relationship is often the breaking point needed to start a constructive process with cohabitation problems that have often simmered for a long time. It is not uncommon for such crises to occur in connection with transitional phases, when one party considers a break-up of cohabitation, or through infidelity.

Couple therapy in case of infidelity and breakup or divorce

After infidelity is about how to overcome infidelity, find forgiveness and regain trust after infidelity. This often requires a lot from both parties. When thinking about a break-up or divorce, it is often a challenge that one party has come much further in the process than the other.

It has often built up a distance over time. Often new things can happen when both parties are updated on the inner processes of the other. In the many transitional phases of life, the set patterns in the relationship are often challenged. This can be utilized in a positive way. Crises and change are often unpleasant, but they also represent a great opportunity for growth and development.

We will do our utmost therapists to assist you in using the current crisis as constructively as possible. In some cases, it is about helping the parties through a breach in the most orderly way possible.

How to get started with couple therapy / cohabitation therapy

If you want to get started with couples therapy, you can use ours here for simple online booking for ordering couples therapy in Oslo.

We recommend 90 minutes as a first-time conversation for couples therapy, so we can get started faster. Come as you are, and we'll take it from there. Our cohabitation therapists pose with ourselves as whole people and the best of professional knowledge. Welcome to you all.

There are also alternatives to a private psychologist if you seek couples therapy. Family protection is a free offer, but they prioritize cases where there are children involved and the waiting time is often long. Pure marriage counseling or couples therapy can not be expected. For families with complex problems, however, family protection can be a good alternative. You can read more about the framework in this in this guide to psychologists in Oslo.

If you want to learn more concerning our therapeutic methods and our understanding of the human condition we refer you to this article: "How can therapy help?".

Marriage counseling with couples therapists at Psykologvirke

When you contact us, you get a quick and easy appointment for couples therapy, cohabitation therapy or marriage counseling in the center of Oslo with experienced couples therapists, male or female, with a short waiting time.

We are one of the country's leading professionals in couple therapy. Several of our couple therapists teach couple therapy on a national and international level.

We have expertise in boats emotion-focused couples therapy and in ISTDP. Our specialist training in intensive depth therapy is also integrated into our work with couples.

We have particular expertise in revealing and working effectively with ways that earlier relational experiences inhibit safety, growth and development in partner relations. For more info see the links below.

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