Therapy for young people at Psykologvirke

Therapy for youth

Text by Hanna Damskau ( psychologist, couples and family therapist

Therapy for youth

For some young people, conversations with a psychologist can be crucial support for coping with problems in a healthy way, and for being better equipped to face adulthood.

At Psykologvirke, we accept young people with various types of difficulties, everything from anxiety and depression, to problems with self-esteem, difficult family relationships and problems related to school or friends.  

So what are we concerned with when we meet young people in therapy?

Help to find out and put into words what you are struggling with

Many young people find it difficult to talk about things they struggle with.

Our psychologists are therefore keen to tune in to the young people's wishes and needs, and to create an atmosphere in the conversation where the young people feel they can relax. You should feel seen, understood and accepted in the therapy room.

It is also common to struggle to put into words exactly what it is that you find difficult in your life, both for young people and adults. Then it is good to meet a psychologist who actively asks and helps you explore and clear your thoughts and feelings, so that together you can become a little wiser about what you need help with.

In other words, young people do not need to have a clear "booking" to get an appointment.

Not tied to the office

We know that many young people think it can be tiring to sit and talk to an adult for a long time, and therefore offer conversations outside the office, on a walk in downtown Oslo.

It can be easier to talk about difficult things when you don't have to look each other in the eye during the entire conversation.

Help to talk to those closest to you

When young people come to therapy, it can sometimes be both useful and important to involve either the parents, adults at school or others who are close to the young person, in parts of the treatment.

For example, it may be that the young person needs help to be able to talk to their parents about something difficult, or that the parents need help to understand and meet the young person better.

Sometimes young people need help to get the adults to talk to each other in other ways, so that they feel better at home. Help to talk to their loved ones can be crucial for the young person to experience support over time, even after the treatment has ended.

If others are to be involved, it always happens in collaboration with the young person themselves, and not before they are ready. Psychologists have a duty of confidentiality, but it is important to know that if the young person is in danger, the psychologist has a duty to involve the parents.  

The psychologist will talk to the young person in more detail about this, if applicable.

For contact, ordering or other resources

If you have any questions, either as a parent or young person, feel free to contact us directly via our contact form, or book an appointment via the booking system ours.

Here is a link to a website with resources that can be useful if you are in a difficult situation as a young person and/or family.