

Psychologist Oslo without referral: Psychological work

If you are looking for a psychologist in Oslo without a referral, Psykologvirke is a good alternative. We only have experienced psychologists with several years of further education. 

We offer focused therapy courses of high quality.

You can read about our various psychologists and get started quickly by using this link to our simple online booking.

Our psychologists and psychologist specialists are highly qualified with extensive experience with most issues and master a selection of methods.

You do not need to make special preparations, come as you are and we will take it from there.

Here you can read more about us.

Psychologist Oslo without referral vs. with reference

Psykologvirke is a fully private psychology clinic, which means that you pay for the treatment in full yourself or via your own or the employer's health insurance.

The advantage is that you can go to a psychologist without a referral from a GP, freely choose between available psychologists and you get started quickly before the problems develop.

If you do not have health insurance or can afford to pay for the treatment yourself, you can go to your GP to discuss your situation.

If the GP considers that you are entitled to a public offer, you will receive a referral and only pay deductibles up to the exemption card limit.

The disadvantage is, among other things, that you have to expect a slightly longer waiting time and that you are not as free.

Choosing a psychologist with or without a referral?

If you are still unsure of which offer will be right for you, we have written a longer guide to the various options for a psychologist in Oslo without reference and with reference: Guide to a psychologist in Oslo.

If you have decided to give a help-private psychologist without referral a try, you can read about and choose between our psychologists, get an overview of availability in the coming days and weeks and easily schedule an appointment here.

We wish you good luck and all the best with the fine project you have going on to help yourself a little further.