Ida Holth

Ida is a psychologist with extensive experience from private practice. She specializes in the therapy form ISTDP, an engaging and effective method for a wide range of ailments. Ida also has experience with meditation, cognitive therapy and body-oriented approaches. 

Ida is keen to create a safe therapy room where you actively collaborate to create change. She will help you increase your capacity to tolerate and regulate emotions, and become more aware of why you react and act the way you do. 

She has experience in treating, among other things, complex PTSD, depression, social anxiety, panic disorder, relational difficulties, self-image problems, complicated grief and drug addiction. 

In addition to clinical work, she has worked for many years as a psychology editor and writer. She is currently working on the book "Handbook for youth with difficult parents".

For direct contact with Ida, send an e-mail to


Intervju med Ida og medforfatter Per Are i forbindelse med lansering av boka Håndbok for ungdom med vanskelige foreldre i Aftenposten: Time to change focus, say psychologists 

Book about the "difficult parents" published by Spartacus publishing house (2023): Handbook for young people with difficult parents

Interview with Gabor Maté for Psykologtidskriftet: An eternal inner work

Interview with Joseph LeDoux for Psykologtidskriftet: Fear and survival

Interview with Peter Fonagy for Psykologtidskriftet: Trust in theory

Interview with Siri Hustvedt for Psykologtidskriftet: The Ambiguity Zone

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