Sindre Kvithyld Aasli

About halfway through my psychology studies, I became interested in couples therapy. The interest came from the same motivation as the choice to study psychology in the first place: curiosity. I was curious about people's private lives, what really goes on behind closed doors between those closest to each other. When I first started working as a couples therapist at a family welfare office, we weren't far into the conversation with the first couple I met before curiosity was replaced by overwhelm and helplessness. This young couple and many of the other couples I tried to help argued so repetitively. It was like they were stuck in the same chorus and I couldn't help them into the next verse. At the same time, my expectations of getting so close to people's private lives were not met. It didn't seem like we were getting to the heart of things, it was like we were poking at the surface.

Shortly after, I began an education course in emotion-focused couple therapy (EFT), which eventually led to me becoming a certified EFT couple therapist. The method is called emotion-focused precisely because it shines a spotlight on the importance of emotions and emotional communication in the interaction between couples.

EFT offers an understanding of people yearning to feel loved and accepted as they are, even if it doesn't necessarily look that way to the fly on the wall when partners are in conflict. I now find myself more and more curious about the drama that goes on beneath the surface between the couples I meet as a therapist. I feel lucky to be so close to processes that change the dynamics of the relationships that the vast majority of people experience as the most important to them.

In addition to being specialized in EFT, I am also a specialist in family psychology. Regardless of whether I meet couples, families or individuals in the office, I am concerned with the relationships of those who come. Both how the individual feels in their relationships today, and how you have felt in important relationships earlier in your life.

Jeg har funnet glede i fagformidling og har blant annet vært fast ekspert i NRKs podkast «Havarikommisjonen», skrevet kronikken «Gråt gjerne over spilt melk» ( og en vitenskapelig artikkel for Norsk Psykologtidsskrift kalt «Emosjonsfokusert parterapi» (

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