Psychologist Dimitrij Samoilow

Dimitrij Samoilow

Dimitrij offers individual- and couples therapy. He is a writer and national expert in emotion focused couples therapy.

Dimitrij is a specialist in clinical psychology and one of Norway's leading professionals in the couple therapy field.

Dimitrij offers couple, family and individual therapy with us at Psykologvirke. He also offers guidance and further training in EFT (emotion-focused therapy) to other professionals.

Dimitrij works from an emotion- and attachment-oriented approach. The goal is to help couples and individuals to get hold of and sort through emotions that have an impact on self-image and ways of relating to both themselves and other people.

Vulnerabilities that are not processed will often control behavior patterns that both maintain symptoms and confuse clear communication in close relationships. In couples therapy, working with both parties' emotional processes enables clearer communication about one's own feelings and needs - an important prerequisite for being able to have a safe and authentic relationship.

Dimitrij qualified as a psychologist at NTNU in Trondheim in 2001. Since then, he has worked both in mental health care, the drug field, child and youth psychiatry and in family welfare. He is a specialist in clinical psychology with specialization in adult and family psychology through the Institute for Active Psychotherapy (IAP). He is a certified EMDR therapist since 2006, has taken a 2-year education in Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy through the Norwegian Institute for Emotionally Focused Therapy (NIEFT) at the same time that he began training in Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy through Susan Johnson's institute ICEEFT (International Center for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy) in Canada.

Since 2007, he has mainly worked with couples and families and was eventually certified both as a therapist and supervisor in EFT. In 2015, Susan Johnson invited him to become Norway's trainer in the therapy approach and he then began his collaboration with ICEEFT.

In 2017, he was certified as a Trainer in emotion-focused couple therapy by ICEEFT. Since then, he has taught and guided therapists in EFT both in Norway and internationally. He heads the Norwegian Center for Emotionally Focused Therapy (SEFT), which represents ICEEFT in Norway and organizes educational courses in Emotionally Focused Therapy.

Dimitrij has published two books in Norwegian: "Safe Childhood - a family perspective on violence in the family" together with Jon Middelborg and "Kunsten å Eske: 9 Nøkler til et bedr samliv", a self-help book for couples who want to prevent cohabitation problems. He has also been one of the experts in NRK's community podcast "Havarikomisjonen".

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