Book a psychologist class in Oslo - or the rest of the country?

If you have already decided to book an appointment with a psychologist, you can do so in two minutes via our online booking of psychologist class.

We can either receive you in our beautiful premises in the center of Oslo, or via a secure video solution from all over the country.

If you are still considering whether to book an appointment with a psychologist, you can read more about what you can expect from one psychologist class at Psykologvirke.

First psychologist class?

When you meet for your first psychologist class, you do not need to make special preparations, just come as you are and we will take it from there.

You may want to think about which problem areas are most important to you, and an example or two of situations that intensify these ailments.

By giving it a try, you will quickly find out if it's for you. We present ourselves as whole people and the best of professional knowledge.

Duration of psychologist class?

For your first psychologist class, we at Psykologvirke recommend a double class with a duration of 90 minutes.

This is how you can get started faster. As you have done some work together, it is easier to work on yourself between classes.

If you do not find available double hours, it also works to start with a single hour and rather follow up with a double hour. Individual hours have a duration of 45 minutes.

Psychologist class on the day

At times, we have the opportunity to offer a psychologist class on the day. In other periods there may be a few days or up to a week's waiting time.

We offer online booking which means that you can easily find a free time that suits you.

Here you choose freely between our psychologists. If you are unable to decide, you can just choose the time and the system will find a free psychologist.

If you do not find something fast enough, you can also send an e-mail to and we will try to find a solution.

Price per hour with a psychologist

Price for psychologist class varies. An analysis of the top 10 hits when applying for a psychologist in Oslo indicates an average hourly rate of approximately NOK 1,350.

We are about the average. You can read more about ours prices and conditions here.

The cost of a treatment is difficult to predict in advance. In Psykologvirke we have experienced psychologists but many years of further education that offers quality therapy. This lowers costs.

You will notice for yourself if you get enough value for your money and can cancel at any time if it does not feel worth it. It's not like you have to go for a year to find out if it's for you.

We find out during the very first hours and something we evaluate together continuously.

Free hours with a psychologist?

It can be difficult to orientate oneself in the jungle of offers. We have written a comprehensive guide on how to find psychologist in Oslo.

Here you can read about the different alternatives that exist and whether you can qualify for a free offer.

If you wish to book an appointment with a psychologist in the public sector, this must be done via your GP, who must send a referral.

Psychologist class in Oslo or via video from all over the country

Psykologvirke offers high-quality psychologist classes from experienced and professionally updated psychologists. We have specialist expertise in most fields.

In addition to therapy from our beautiful premises at the Storting, we now offer psychologist classes via the internet / video to people all over the country or Norwegians living abroad.

We wish you all the best in the good project you have started on the inside to help yourself. We are happy to contribute.

How to book a psychologist class?

If you want to book a psychologist class with a private psychologist, do so in two minutes via the button below. Here you can easily choose between our psychologists and time.

You will receive confirmation of the class and all necessary information sent by email directly.