If you need a psychologist in Oslo in the evening, Psykologvirke is a solid alternative. We are located in venerable premises like the Storting.
You go straight to an experienced psychologist with several years of further education. We have specialist expertise in most fields.
You do not need to make special preparations, just come as you are and we will take it from there.
You can read more about what to expect if you contact us for therapy in the evening here.
Waiting time for psychologist in the evening
We currently have no waiting time for a psychologist in the evening. Just book an appointment via our online booking. There are available times and you can book straight in and get confirmation of the hour immediately.
If you do not find a suitable time, you are welcome to contact us by email, and we will usually find a solution.
Price for psychologist in the evening
The price for psychologist hours in the evening is with most psychologists around 20 percent more expensive than hours within normal working hours.
How much this amounts to in total depends of course on the total length of the therapy.
Another factor in the total calculation is of course lost earnings which is avoided when you take the hours with a psychologist in the evening.
If you can not afford to pay for a private psychologist, nor do you have health insurance that can cover the treatment, we have written about how to find psychologists in Oslo here..
What type of treatment is offered in the evening?
The psychologists who work at night have different specializations and all work according to the principle of tailoring.
We offer various forms of cognitive therapy, mindfulness-based approaches, EMDR and psychodynamic therapy.
We specialize in intensive short-term psychodynamic therapy (ISTDP).
We warmly welcome you to contact us for psychologist classes, whether it is during the day or in the evening.
We present ourselves as whole people and the best of professional knowledge.