

Camilla Øyhus

Camilla has broad experience from the specialist healthcare service. She is trained in experience-based (AEDP) and emotion-focused therapy.

Camilla is a psychologist and has experience with clients of all ages and with various problems from her work in the specialist health service. Every Wednesday evening, she receives clients at Psykologvirket, where she wants to create a safe and empathetic space that facilitates personal growth and healing.

In addition to her professional education in psychology, Camilla is also trained in experience-based (AEDP) and emotion-focused therapy. These approaches emphasize the exploration and understanding of inner experiences and emotions at a deeper level, with the goal of therapeutic breakthroughs through the integration of emotional experiences.

Camilla is also interested in process-oriented therapy, which focuses on exploring and understanding thought processes, feelings and actions. She adapts the therapy individually for each client, so that it best matches their needs and goals.

Before she became a psychologist, Camilla was a visual artist, which has given her an understanding of the languageless and how inner images, symbols and fantasies can give deeper meaning. Through conversation we can understand our minds and change ourselves in the process.

With her life experience, Camilla can familiarize herself with issues related to different life phases, relational challenges and the complexity of human existence. Together we can explore even the most charged topics.

Camilla looks forward to meeting you and being a support on your way to better mental health. Feel free to get in touch to arrange an appointment with Psykologvirket.