Halvor Stavland

Halvor can help you with most things, whether you have symptoms of depression, anxiety, trauma or burnout - but you don't need to know exactly what you need help with before you come. He is keen to get to the bottom of your problems, and balances well between support and challenge. He has experience from research, public specialist healthcare and private practice. Further education within ISTDP.
Halvor usually works as a psychologist in the specialist health service, but offers talk therapy for private clients in the afternoon and evening. In addition to broad experience from working in both private and public clinics, he has worked for several years with research and management within international studies on MDMA-assisted treatment of PTSD. Most people contact Halvor because of life crises and symptoms of depression, trauma, anxiety and burnout. Due to his background, some also make contact for help or assistance after both bad and good experiences with psychedelics or other drugs. You will be met in a non-judgmental and present way no matter what you seek help for. Halvor works most of the time based on an in-depth psychological model (ISTDP), but knows other models well and will always adapt the treatment to your needs.