

Kristin Aspelund

Kristin specializes in couples and family therapy. She has further training in Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy and ISTDP and accepts both couples and individuals.

Kristin has over 12 years' experience as a psychologist specializing in couples and family therapy. She has expertise in Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy (EFCT), a 3.5-year further education in intensive depth therapy (ISTDP), and further education in sexual health. This combination gives a good ability to understand both the dynamics of the couple and each individual person.

Kristin works with relational difficulties, shame, grief, jealousy, infidelity, sexual challenges, burnout, life crises and parenting guidance. She also has experience in guiding other psychologists and has held several courses for couples and parents.

Kristin is particularly interested in holistic approaches to mental well-being. Among other things, she has written her specialist thesis on the psychology of architecture and the importance of the physical environment for children and young people in vulnerable life situations. She is also a certified instructor in medical yoga - a therapeutic form of yoga that emphasizes balance in rest, movement and breathing for good mental and physical health.

Those who meet Kristin experience that she has a presence of her own with warmth, humor and care. For Kristin, therapy is first and foremost a meeting between people, with ceiling height and security to open up to feelings that lead to closeness, meaning and growth.