

Kristina Hasle Mo

Kristina is an experienced psychologist with special expertise in therapy for adults. She adapts her approach to each individual, based on their unique challenges and needs. She uses various methods such as emotion-focused therapy, psychodynamic therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, trauma-sensitive approach, mindfulness-based interventions and psychoeducational techniques. With her broad experience, Kristina accepts clients who have everything from milder ailments to more complex challenges.

Often our ailments stem from strategies we have used to protect ourselves from difficult experiences and complicated emotions. Although these strategies have been necessary, they may become inappropriate over time. Strategies such as, for example, self-criticism, the need to satisfy others, avoidance, overwork, drugs or disturbed eating/exercise can begin to create challenges when they no longer serve their original purpose. Together we can explore these patterns with curiosity and care to find new ways to deal with the challenges.

It is easy to lose track of direction when you are standing in the middle of the deepest forest. If we think that your interior is a forest, I want to help you get a better overview of the terrain. We explore together, find paths where there were previously blockages, and create maps that can help you navigate life with greater security and clarity. It is an honor to accompany you on this path. I understand how difficult it can be to open up, so I do my best to offer you a safe and supportive atmosphere where you can feel cared for.

Therapy is a collaborative project where you are the boss, but also a relationship where I, as a therapist, will be your empathetic witness. Together we will explore your project and find out what is important to you, so that you can move towards your goals at your own pace.

"Goals" don't have to mean big changes, often it's small steps that lead to you feeling a little better. This can mean being heard, understood and taken seriously, or increasing awareness and tolerance for one's own feelings. It can be about being more present in the moment, improving communication with those closest to you, or acting more in line with your values. Perhaps it is about processing grief or trauma? Regardless of what you want to work on, I meet all issues with openness and warmth, with a relaxed, confident and active style.

I look forward to getting to know you and supporting you in your therapeutic work, no matter how big or small it may be. Welcome to me!