Self-help books

After treating over 1,000 patients individually or in groups, psychologist specialist Jonas Sharma-Bakkevig in collaboration with Gyldendal publishing house wrote the book series "My way out of..." for patients and psychologists. Jonas' vision was to write books such as:

  • simply explains a symptom disorder (depression, anxiety, burnout, etc.)
  • thoroughly explains what steps you can take on your own to work your way out of this disorder
  • provides concrete exercises and guidance
  • are reasonable in price
  • can be read in one evening, i.e. around 50 pages
  • can be understood by both professionals and non-professionals

So far we have published "My way out of panic" and "My way out of depression" which can be bought in most bookshops.

Jonas is currently writing "My way out of social anxiety".

Contact Jonas at if you have suggestions or wishes for upcoming books!