tidspunkter: Daytime

Christian Aarup Skeie

Christian Aarup Skeie

Christian is a specialist in psychology, an expert in therapeutic work with adults and has specialization in intensive psychodynamic depth therapy (ISTDP).

Else Sofie Årdalen

Else Sofie Årdalen

Else Sofie has broad experience from many years of work in public mental health care. She has further training in ISTDP and also offers EMDR, a method for processing trauma experiences.

Ivar W. Goksøyr

Ivar W. Goksøyr

Ivar is one of the founders of Psykologvirke. He is a specialist in clinical psychology and works primarily with clients with longstanding and complex difficulties. He is a researcher within the field of psychedelic medicine.

Maja Wilhelmina Dragland

Maja Wilhelmina Dragland

Psychological specialist with long and broad experience from the specialist healthcare service and private practice, and has, among other things, education in ISTDP and EMDR.

Øystein Nødtvedt

Øystein Nødtvedt

Øystein works day and night with broad experience from the specialist health service and specialization in mindfulness, ISTDP and existential themes.

Hanna Damskau

Hanna Damskau

Hanna accepts individuals, couples, families and parent guidance. She has specialist expertise in the youth phase, and works with children and young people individually. She has further education in Emotion-Focused Couple Therapy, and will soon finish specializing in Family Psychology. Hanna is a confident, curious and listening psychologist, with a broad professional toolbox.