Sindre Kvithyld Aasli

Sindre has many years of experience from the public and private health sector. He is a specialist in family psychology and a certified emotion-focused couples therapist. He offers couple therapy, individual therapy and family therapy.
Regardless of whether you seek individual therapy, couples therapy or family therapy, most people who come to me describe a feeling of being stuck. Many describe a feeling of being stuck in something in themselves or that one or more relationships feel stuck.
For me, therapy is largely about dissolving the stuck so that we can live more freely with ourselves and those around us.
I am a specialist in family psychology. In addition, I am certified in the therapy models emotion-focused couple therapy (EFTC) and emotion-focused individual therapy (EFIT). The method is called emotion-focused precisely because it shines a spotlight on the importance of emotions and emotional communication in the interaction between people who are important to each other. Talking about relationships without talking about emotions, for me, is like driving a car without wheels. Emotions are present in all phases of life, they drive us to action, but sometimes the emotions become too intense or completely turned off. In EFT, we work to gain a clearer grasp of the entire emotional repertoire. The goal is to get closer to ourselves and the people who mean the most to us.
I have found joy in professional communication and have, among other things, been a regular expert in NRK's podcast "Accident Commission", written the chronicle "Cry over spilled milk" and a scientific article for the Norwegian Psykologtidsskrift called "Emotion-focused couple therapy" .
With me, you can be sure of being met in an open and exploratory way, no matter what you or you come up with. Welcome!