Terapiretning: Exposure therapy

Prolonged exposure: A trauma treatment that takes care of therapists 

Prolonged exposure: A trauma treatment that takes care of therapists 

Prolonged exposure (PE) is the gold-standard treatment for PTSD. It has been clinically proven to help clients confront and process traumatic memories, reduce anxiety and avoidance behaviours, and ultimately regain control over their lives. But prolonged exposure isn't just a powerful tool for improving clients' 

Kim Dahlby

Kim Dahlby

Kim is a specialist in psychology, and offers individual therapy in the afternoon and evening. He is specialized in ISTDP and has a unique commitment to both subjects and people. Kim usually gets to the root of your difficulties.

Ivar W. Goksøyr

Ivar W. Goksøyr

Ivar is one of the founders of Psykologvirke. He is a specialist in clinical psychology and works primarily with clients with longstanding and complex difficulties. He is a researcher within the field of psychedelic medicine.

Halvor Stavland

Halvor Stavland

Halvor can help you with most things, whether you have symptoms of depression, anxiety, trauma or burnout - but you don't need to know exactly what you need help with before you come. He is keen to get to the bottom of your problems, and balances well between support and challenge. He has experience from research, public specialist healthcare and private practice. Further education within ISTDP.

Hanna Damskau

Hanna Damskau

Hanna accepts individuals, couples, families and parent guidance. She has specialist expertise in the youth phase, and works with children and young people individually. She has further education in Emotion-Focused Couple Therapy, and will soon finish specializing in Family Psychology. Hanna is a confident, curious and listening psychologist, with a broad professional toolbox.

Jonas Sharma-Bakkevig

Jonas Sharma-Bakkevig

Jonas is a psychologist specialist and therapy supervisor at Psykologvirke. He has long and broad clinical experience and works with most clinical problems, where he uses methodology from ISTDP, psychodynamic therapy, exposure therapy and EMDR.