Group photo of the therapists at the Trauma Center at Psykologvirke in Oslo.

Welcome to the Trauma Centre

We who offer therapy at the Trauma Center aim to help both individuals and families process reactions to difficult or traumatic life events. Psychological traumas are events and experiences that overwhelm our ability to cope and disrupt our rhythm and balance.

Our therapists offer a number of different methods to help you create, or recapture, harmony, security and insight into yourself and important relationships. With us, we work to see the whole person in all their complexity and adapt the treatment to your experiences and needs. Couples and families are also welcome.

Is treatment at the Trauma Center suitable for me?

Many may wonder whether they have experienced a trauma and whether they need trauma treatment. Traumatic events disrupt our physiological and psychological system and this can lead to errors leading to new and more peaceful relationships and situations. At the Trauma Centre, we help people notice how traumatic events may have affected you, and we treat all emotional reactions after experienced overwhelming events. 

What is overwhelming and what reactions become troublesome varies between us people. Some events, such as violence, serious accidents and sexual assault, will often affect people to such an extent that there may be a need to get help from a professional. Major life crises, losses, or other events that suddenly change everyday life, likewise. 

Sometimes relationships in important relationships can lead to overwhelming stress or affect self-esteem and the body, and for children insufficient care, strong criticism or long-term exclusion such as bullying can turn into traumatic wounds. In adulthood, both the events themselves and the ways in which people have tried to protect themselves can lead to emotional difficulties.

Anyone who wants help with processing reactions and feelings linked to stressful experiences can seek treatment from us. However, we are not an acute psychiatric service. It is easy to book an assessment meeting where we can find out together whether our offer is right for you.

Some common reactions to highly stressful and overwhelming events are:

  • Difficulty regulating emotions and mood
  • Anxiety or restlessness
  • Feeling of helplessness
  • Sleep problems
  • Bodily expressions such as pain, tension and gastrointestinal problems
  • Concentration or memory difficulties
  • Re-experiencing the trauma as nightmares or flashbacks
  • Remoteness and numbness
  • Feeling of unreality
  • Depression, guilt and shame
  • Chronically low self-esteem
  • Irritation or anger
  • Difficulties in relation to other people

The psychologists at the Trauma Centre

At the Trauma Centre, we have assembled a group of psychologists with extensive experience in mental healthcare

We believe in man's inherent ability to heal himself in a secure relationship. With us, we strive to see the person behind the symptoms. We have broad knowledge of evidence-based forms of therapy and follow newer methods under development. We have knowledge of therapy with children and young people, adults, couples and families, and special expertise in therapy with refugees. 

We offer several trauma-specific forms of therapy that include the body in talk therapy (EMDR, body-oriented therapy, trauma-sensitive yoga and extended exposure). In addition, we offer both intensive short-term psychodynamic therapy (ISDTP) which helps to understand and deal with conflict-filled emotions that arise in relationships, and Internal family system therapy (IFS) which aims to acknowledge, accept and embrace several aspects of oneself.

Psychologist Mats Hunstad

Mats Hunstad

Mats is a psychologist specialist, with expertise in therapeutic work with adults and the depth psychological method ISTDP.

Ingvill Hekne

Ingvill has delved into trauma psychology and the EMDR method. She has, among other things, worked a lot with migration health and survivors of violence. She is concerned that patients should experience security and co-determination in the therapy room.
Psychologist Ida Holth

Ida Holth

Many years of experience as a psychologist in private practice. She has specialization in intensive depth therapy (ISTDP) and EMDR.
Psychologist Veslemøy Merton

Veslemøy Merton

Psychologist specialist with long experience and several therapy specializations. She offers individual therapy and couple/family talks, guidance and teaching.
Psychologist Anja Hallan-Wollf

Anja Hallan-Wolff

Anja is a psychologist with expertise in trauma treatment and specialization in Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS) and EMDR. She is bilingual, and offers therapy in Norwegian and English.
Psychologist Akiah Ottesen

Akiah Astral Ottesen

Akiah is a specialist in clinical psychology with special expertise in the treatment of reactions after trauma. She has extensive experience in therapy for both young people and adults.
Psychologist Nora Nord Rydningen

Nora Nord Clearing

Nora has 20 years of experience as a therapist, extensive further education and in-depth expertise in relationship issues and trauma disorders. Nora offers individual therapy, couples therapy, guidance and teaching. Currently, Nora prioritizes accepting new couples.
Photo by Kristina haslemo

Kristina Hasle Mo

Kristina is an experienced psychologist with special expertise in therapy for adults. She adapts her approach to each individual, based on their unique challenges and needs. She uses various methods such as emotion-focused therapy, psychodynamic therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, trauma-sensitive approach, mindfulness-based interventions and psychoeducational techniques. With her broad experience, Kristina accepts clients who have everything from milder ailments to more complex challenges.
Psychologist Anders Gamstøbakk Psykologvirke

Anders Gamstøbakk

Anders specializes in therapeutic work with adults, and the depth psychological treatment methods ISTDP and IFS.
Psychologist Maria Eikeland

Maria Eikeland

Maria has many years of experience from the specialist healthcare service, with expertise in emotion-focused therapy (EFT) and EMDR.